Natural Encounters
A Creative Exploration of the Natural World
Sondra Holtzman
Discover and immerse yourself in a process to find your own visual language through alchemy, paint, exploration and observation.
June 20th, 21st, & 22nd, 10:00am-4:00pm
$475 + $45 material fee
(Material fee payable in cash or check to instructor at start of your workshop)
In this unique experience, discover ways to ‘see’ into the natural world through sketches, mark making, observation, memory and word.
Each student will receive a simple but elegant hand crafted journal which will serve as a touchstone to explore what we experience when interacting with natural objects.
While venturing out into the field, we will sustainably gather a small collection of natural objects that appeal to our individual senses and aesthetic.
Back in the studio working in small format, students employ sketching and painting techniques using different tools to capture the essence of the objects we have in our own individual collections. If desired, add a simple poem or collection of descriptive words to your sketch, including the location in which they were found. All are invited to share their collections with others.
The goal of this workshop is to emerge with new skills of ‘seeing’ instead of looking, along with a unique collection of illustrated interpretations of the natural world and a heightened appreciation of our environment.
All levels of experience are welcome.

A record keeper of an evolving life, professional artist Sondra Holtzman’s sketchbooks and artwork reflect musings of travel, afar and close to home. A passion for the natural world is inspiration for an expanding body of work with particular emphasis on land and seascapes.
After attending Rhode Island School of Design and California College of the Arts, Sondra worked in San Francisco as a freelance designer, creating artwork for clients like Nike and Delta Air Lines. She now teaches art in her beloved Pacific Northwest and collaborates with close friend and business partner Katie Wendel, offering wine and painting excursions all over the world.
For Sondra, the true joy of being an artist also lies in the sharing of her passion with others, helping them to discover their own artistic voice.

Any natural objects you love, as well as a small container/basket for collecting others
A small watercolor sketchbook. The paper should be 140lb. cold press watercolor paper. Spiral is good.
Two or three GESSOBOARDS or AQUABOARDS by Ampersand; 8”x 10” or 9 x 12”
Any other surfaces you find desirable for watercolor.
A set of artist-grade watercolors in the colors of your choice.
A small selection of acrylic inks: by FW Daler Rowney
Note: The ink you choose for your fountain pen and the black ink from the ball point pen can count as two “bonus” colors
Small round watercolor brush with a sharp point:
I recommend the Dynasty Black Gold Short Handle Brush - Quill, Size 3/0 (Order #06456-1030) $10.50 at Dick Blick or 2/0 (Order #06456-1020) $13.55 at Dick Blick
Otherwise, a #6 synthetic watercolor round brush will work just fine.
A #8 or #10 synthetic watercolor brush
One option is a fountain pen with a PISTON FILLER that has a FINE nib:
I highly recommend the following from The Goulet Pen Company (www.gouletpens.com)
Fountain Pen: TWSBI ECO with a fine nib (available in 9 colors!)
Ink: They carry an amazing range of beautiful inks worthy of close investigation!
Other options for fountain pens are Pilot disposable fountain pen or one of your choice.
A round plastic 6-well palette (you can get these from Michael’s)
Scotch tape
Container for water
Small piece of terrycloth rag for blotting your brushes
Two 1” binder clips to hold journal pages flat while painting
A small grinder of sea salt (not regular table salt)
Small 6” ruler. I recommend the rulers that have a cork back that don’t slip on the paper as you are using them.
Mechanical pencil
Small kneaded eraser
Small bottle of Elmer’s glue
Pair of small, sharp scissors
Xacto knife
Micron pen in any color you choose. I like 03 or 04. A micron pen is waterproof.
Ball point pen. I like the Pilot G-2, 0.38
Vine and compressed charcoal
Dip pen
An old toothbrush
Optional: a small magnifying glass
Optional: a small, portable chair, sunscreen and a hat
Optional: any poems or inspirations words/phrases you like
Handcrafted journals for each student
Vintage book paper
Printed bookbinding directions
My set up for Natural Encounters: artist roll, etc.
My small collection of natural objects
Sample journals
Scissors/Glue/Scotch tape
Natural charcoal/sample of painting on canvas with a prepared canvas for each student
A selection of acrylic inks and plastic lids or containers to hold it
A good selection of feathers
Extra toothbrushes
Tube of white gouache
Extra dip pens
Extra six-well plastic palettes
Plastic spoons
STUDENT PACKET ($45 per student)
Handcrafted nature journal with Anselm binding
Printed directions for the Anselm binding
2 pieces of Mineral Paper
3 prepared pieces of prepared mat board
Feather (needs to be returned to me)
Old book page